Orthodox Christianity religion

The Orthodox Church respects and preserves the canons and the decisions of the seven Ecumenical Councils, rejects and does not recognize the universal authority of the Pope. Today it's organized on a national level.

The Orthodox Church is not one church but a family of independent bodies which are referred to by the nations in which they are located (Greek Orthodox Church, Russian Orthodox Church ...) They are united in the understanding of the sacrament, doctrine, liturgy, ecclesiastical order, but each of them alone regulates its life. At the head of each Orthodox Church a Patriarch was appointed as the Head of. Chief among them is the Patriarch of Constantinople with the headquarters in Istanbul, which enjoys considerable favor, but no power to influence other Orthodox churches, being only the first among equals.

The Orthodox Church claims to be the only true church of Christ, and that its roots go back to the first apostles. They believe in the Trinity, the Bible as the word of God, Jesus as the Son of God and other biblical doctrines.

The most important work on which the liturgy is based, is the Holy Bible made of the Old and the New Testament, as well as Sacred Tradition. The New Testament is particularly significant for Orthodoxy which presents the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

The most important role of the Orthodox churches is to serve as a place where the living Church - the believers, cry aloud their prayers to God. The most important part of church life is sacred liturgy i.e. religious services, served on Sundays and other holidays at the temples. In addition to the liturgy, the morning and evening prayer are performed , classes and vigils also, which have instructive character at the same time. Liturgy is served by a priest in the presence of believers. There are three levels of the ministry: a deacon, a priest and a bishop. Episcopes or Bishops are hierarchically below the patriarchs and their administrative units called dioceses.

Icon of St.. John the Forerunner with the hagiography
Icon with the image of St. John the Forerunner was painted in 1737. by iconographer George Stojanovic, whose signature is looming in the record preserved in fragments in the lower part. With a standing figure of the saint, the icon shows two scenes from the plays of Birth of St. John the Forerunner in the left corner and St. Archangel Michael on the right. The icon originates from iconostasis of the Church of the Nativity of St.. John in Belgrade and it was brought to Novi Sad by the refugees during the migration period in 1739.
Place of origin of the cult. artefact: 
State of origin of the cult. artefact: 
Part of the permanent exhibition of the City Museum of Novi Sad, under the supervision of the museum advisor, art historian, Ljiljana Lazic
City Museum of Novi Sad
Date of records creation : 
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Srdjan Veselinov
Type of cultural artefact: 
Formats of digital document: 
Власник записа: 
Year of creation: 
Novi Sad
Icon of Virgin Mary with Christ
Icon of the Virgin with the Christ comes from the mid-18th century, and was painted in tempera on panel. Featured characters, style of painting, abundant use of gold and the style of letters refer to the workshop of Jov Vasilijevic, the court's painter of Patriarch Arsenius IV Sakabenta. His activity has influenced the introduction of Russian and Ukrainian influence in Serbian painting of the 18th century.
State of origin of the cult. artefact: 
Part of the permanent exhibition of the City Museum of Novi Sad, under the supervision of the museum advisor, art historian, Ljiljana Lazic
City Musem of Novi Sad
Srdjan Veselinov
Type of cultural artefact: 
Formats of digital document: 
Novi Sad
Iconostasis with scenes of the Passion of Christ
Four preserved fragments from 12 usual scenes from the Passion of Christ cycle, originate probably from some construction of small chapel iconostasis or Sepulcher of Christ. The rocaille style of painting and woodcarving in the oval-shaped cartouches refers to the seventh or eighth decade of the 18th century and the activity of icon painter Dimitrije Popovic, who at that time lived in Novi Sad and Sremski Karlovci.
Place of origin of the cult. artefact: 
Novi Sad ( Sremski Karlovci)
State of origin of the cult. artefact: 
Part of the permanent exhibition of the City Museum of Novi Sad, under the supervision of the museum advisor, art historian, Ljiljana Lazic
City Musem of Novi Sad
Srdjan Veselinov
Type of cultural artefact: 
Formats of digital document: 
Novi Sad
The cross with the Crucifixion of Christ
One of the most representative works of the religious character of in the museum collection is a cross with a representation of the Crucifixion of Christ. It originates from the top of the iconostasis of the chapel choir of the Orthodox Cathedral of Sremski Karlovci, and the work of one of the most important Serbian painters of the 18th century - Teodor Dimitrijevic Kracun. Based on the style and manner of the painting, it could be said that this work comes from the best period of his creativity. Floral carvings of the cross, in the rococo style, were done by the famous woodcarver from Novi Sad Arsenije Markovic, whose workshop at that time was the most active workshop in Vojvodina.
Place of origin of the cult. artefact: 
Novi Sad ( Sremski Karlovci)
State of origin of the cult. artefact: 
Part of the permanent exhibition of the City Museum of Novi Sad, under the supervision of the museum advisor, art historian, Ljiljana Lazic
The City Museum of Novi Sad
Srdjan Veselinov
Type of cultural artefact: 
Formats of digital document: 
Novi Sad

Orthodox Christianity religion

The Orthodox Church respects and preserves the canons and the decisions of the seven Ecumenical Councils, rejects and does not recognize the universal authority of the Pope. Today it's organized on a national level.

The Orthodox Church is not one church but a family of independent bodies which are referred to by the nations in which they are located (Greek Orthodox Church, Russian Orthodox Church...) They are united in the understanding of the sacrament, doctrine, liturgy, ecclesiastical order, but each of them alone regulates its life. At the head of each Orthodox Church a Patriarch was appointed as the Head of. Chief among them is the Patriarch of Constantinople with the headquarters in Istanbul, which enjoys considerable favor, but no power to influence other Orthodox churches, being only the first among equals.

The Orthodox Church claims to be the only true church of Christ, and that its roots go back to the first apostles. They believe in the Trinity, the Bible as the word of God, Jesus as the Son of God and other biblical doctrines.

The most important work on which the liturgy is based, is the Holy Bible made of the Old and the New Testament, as well as Sacred Tradition. The New Testament is particularly significant for Orthodoxy which presents the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

The most important role of the Orthodox churches is to serve as a place where the living Church - the believers, cry aloud their prayers to God. The most important part of church life is sacred liturgy i.e. religious services, served on Sundays and other holidays at the temples. In addition to the liturgy, the morning and evening prayer are performed , classes and vigils also, which have instructive character at the same time. Liturgy is served by a priest in the presence of believers. There are three levels of the ministry: a deacon, a priest and a bishop. Episcopes or Bishops are hierarchically below the patriarchs and their administrative units called dioceses.


Our Holy Father Cyriacus the Solitary

Born in Corinth of parents named John (a priest) and Eudoxia, he was a kinsman of the local bishop, Peter. He was made reader in the cathedral by the bishop while still a young man. Reading the Holy Scriptures, the young Cyriacus marvelled at God"s providence, how it glorified every true servant of the living God and ordered the salvation of the human race. At the age of eighteen, his desire for the spiritual life led him to Jerusalem. There, he entered the monastery of a godly man called Eustorgius, who grounded him in the monastic life. He then went off to St Euthymius, who discerned in him future spiritual greatness, clothed him in the Great Habit and sent him to the Jordan, to St Gerasim, where Cyriacus spent nine years. After Gerasim"s death, he returned to St Euthymius" monastery, where he remained in silence for ten years. After this he moved from place to place, fleeing the praise of men. He lived in ascetic labour also in the community of St Chariton, where he finished his earthly course, having lived for a hundred and nine years. A glorious ascetic and wonderworker, St Cyriacus was massive and strong of body, and stayed thus in great old age, despite strict fasts and vigils. In the desert, he sometimes lived for years only on raw vegetables. He was very zealous for the Orthodox faith, denouncing heresies, especially the heresy of Origen. Of himself he said that, while he was a monk, the sun never saw him eat or be angry with any man. According to the rule of St Chariton, the monks ate only once a day, after sunset. Cyriacus was a great light, a pillar of Orthodoxy, the boast of monks, a mighty healer of the sick and a gentle comforter of the sorrowful. Living long in ascetism and giving aid to many, he entered into the eternal joy of his Lord in 557.

Source: Orthodox calendar

Picture: Holy Mountain

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Holy Apostle Thomas

He was one of the twelve Great Apostles. Through his doubt of the Resurrection of the Lord Christ, a new confirmation was given of that wonderful and saving event, for the risen Lord appeared again to His disciples, to convince Thomas. The Lord said to Thomas: "Reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into My side; and be not faithless, but believing", and Thomas cried: "My Lord and my God! (John 20). After the descent of the Holy Spirit, when the apostles cast lots to see who would go where to preach the Gospel, it fell to Thomas to got to India. He was somewhat saddened at having to go so far away, but the Lord appeared to him and comforted him. In India, St Thomas converted many, both rich and poor, to the Christian faith, and founded a Church there, making priests and bishops. Among others, St Thomas converted two sisters, Tertiana and Mygdonia, wives of Indian princes. Both sisters were ill-treated for their faith by their husbands, who would not live with them after their baptism, and divorced them. Being freed from their marriages, they lived godly lives till their deaths. Dionysius and Pelagia, a couple at first betrothed to each other, heard the Apostle"s teaching and did not live together, but devoted themselves to the ascetic life. Pelagia died a martyr for the Faith and Dionvsius was made bishop by the Apostle. Prince Misdaeus, the husband of Tertiana, whose wife and son luzanes Thomas baptised, condemned the Apostle to death, and sent five soldiers who ran him through with their lances, and thus the holy Apostle Thomas gave his soul into the hands of his Christ. Before his death, he, with the other apostles, was miraculously borne to Jerusalem for the funeral of the most holy Mother of God. Arriving late, he grieved bitterly and, at his request, the tomb of the Most Pure was opened, but the body was not there; the Lord had taken His Mother to His heavenly home. Thus St Thomas first, by his unbelief, confirmed the faith in the Resurrection of the Lord and then, by his late arrival, revealed to us the wondrous glorification of the Mother of God.

Text: Orthodox calendar

Image: Sokobanjac

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Holy Martyrs Cosmas and Damian

Unmercenary doctors and wonderworkers, these two saints were brothers. Born in Rome, baptised as children and given a Christian education, they were endowed by God with the gift of healing, generally by the laying-on of their hands, of both men and animals. They sought no reward for their work, only urging the sick to faith in Christ the Lord. Inheriting great wealth, they compassionately divided it among the poor and needy. The Emperor Galerius was on the throne in Rome at that time. Persecutors of the Christian faith brought these two holy brothers, bound in chains, before him. After prolonged interrogation, the Emperor charged them to deny Christ and offer sacrifice to idols. Cosmas and Damian not only refused to obey the Emperor; they urged him to forsake dead idols and come to the knowledge of the one, true God. "Our God is not created, but is the Creator of all, and your gods come of the imaginings of men and the hands of artists. If there were no artists to make your gods, you would have nothing to worship." After a miracle performed on the Emperor himself - healing him of a grave infirmity - the Emperor declared his faith in Christ and let the holy brothers go in peace. They continued to glorify Christ our God and to heal the sick, and were themselves glorified on all sides by the people. A doctor, a former teacher of theirs, envying their fame, lured them into the hills on the pretext of collecting herbs and stoned them to death. They suffered with honour for the Christian faith in 284. Their memory endures in the Church on earth, and their souls went to the Kingdom of the Lord, to live eternally in glory and joy.

Source: Orthodox calendar

Picture: The holy mountain

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark

Mark was a companion and helper of the Apostle Peter in his journeys. Peter, in his first Epistle, calls him his son, not after the flesh but after the spirit (I Pet. 5:13). When Mark was with Peter in Rome, the faithful begged him to write down for them the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus, His miracles and His life. So Mark wrote his Gospel, which the Apostle Peter himself saw and testified to as true. Mark was chosen by the Apostle Peter to be bishop, and sent to Egypt to preach. And so Mark was the first preacher of the Gospel and the first bishop in Egypt. Egypt was oppressed by a thick darkness of paganism, idolatry, divination and malice. But, with the help of God, St Mark succeeded in sowing the seed of the knowledge of God in Libya, Ammonicia and Pentapolis. From Pentapolis, he went to Alexandria, whither the Spirit of God led him. In Alexandria, he succeeded in establishing the Church of God, in giving her bishops, priests and deacons and in rooting everything firmly in faithfulness and devotion. Mark confirmed his preaching with many great miracles. When the pagans brought accusations against Mark as a destroyer of their idolatrous faith, and when the governor of the city began to search for Mark, he fled again to Pentapolis, where he continued his earlier work. After two years, Mark again returned to Alexandria, to the great joy of his faithful, whose number had already increased very greatly.


Friday, May 8, 2015

The Holy Martyr Marina

Born in Pisidian Antioch of pagan parents, Marina only heard of the Lord Jesus at the age of twelve, of His incarnation of the most pure Virgin, His many miracles, His death by crucifixion and His glorious Resurrection. Her little heart was inflamed with love for the Lord, and she vowed never to marry and, further, desired in her soul to suffer for Christ and be baptised with the blood of martyrdom. Her father hated her for her faith, and would not regard her as his daughter. The imperial governor, Olymbrius, hearing of Marina and learning that she was a Christian, at first desired her for his wife. When Marina refused, he ordered her to sacrifice to idols. To this, Marina replied: "I shall not worship nor offer sacrifice to dead idols, lacking the breath of life, which have no awareness of themselves and are not even aware of our honouring or dishonouring them. I will not give them that honour that belongs to my Creator alone." Then Olymbrius put her to harsh torture, and threw her into prison all wounded and bleeding. Marina prayed to God in the prison, and, after she had prayed, there appeared to her first the devil in the form of a terrible serpent, which twined itself about her head. When she made the sign of the Cross, the serpent split asunder and disappeared. Then she was bathed in heavenly light; the walls and roof of the prison disappeared and a Cross was revealed, resplendent and lofty. On the top of the Cross was perched a white dove, from which there came a voice: "Rejoice, Marina, thou dove of Christ, daughter of the Sion that is on high, for the day of thy joy is drawing near!", and Marina was healed by the power of God of all her wounds. The demented judge tortured her the next day by fire and water, but Marina endured it all as if not in her own body. She was finally sentenced to death by beheading. At the moment of her death, the Lord Jesus appeared to her, accompanied by angels. She was beheaded in the time of the Emperor Diocletian, but remains alive in soul and in power in heaven and on earth. One of her hands is preserved in the monastery of Vatopedi on the Holy Mountain. Even in Albania, in the Langa mountains overlooking Lake Ochrid, there is a monastery of St Marina with some of her wonderworking relics. Numerous miracles have been wrought in this monastery and still are, witnessed not only by Christians but also by Moslems. The Turks have such a veneration for this holy place that they have never laid hands on either the place or the monastery"s possessions. At one time, a Turk was caretaker of the monastery.

Source:Church Calender

Thursday, July 30, 2015


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