Beočin Monastery

The monastery is first mentioned in Turkish sources in 1566. In 1588 the monastery owned a vineyard, gardens, and a obligation to pay an annual fee of 700 akče. The monastic quarters were erected on two occasions during 1724 and during 1741. In 1765. they were combined into a single unit. By all means, the church is a mixture of the impact of Raska-type construction; base shape, manner of construction and gothic tendency in height, pointed arches, octagonal columns; while the portal is a mixture of baroque and classicism. The church has a total of nine narrow rectangular windows that surround it. Above it a high polygonal dome rises. Extensive reconstruction of the monastery complex was carried out in 1893, and minor changes were made in 1921. The monastery was in good condition after World War II , and Dimitrije Ruvarac states that the fraternity had a large library of 780 books, 63 churchly. The monastery was materially well placed, owning 2536 acres of agricultural land and this situation continued until World War II, when the monastery had 1971 acres of land. The monastery has a very nice park that was once raised by Archimandrite Dimitrije Branković. However, it is today, largely neglected, but still very nice, with nice stone paths and internal decorations. In addition, the park above it there is a small chapel built in 1905. The chapel has a small, very beautiful carved iconostasis with 7 icons. In World War II, the monastery was devastated, and the buildings remained intact. The Patron saint feast day of the monastery Beočin is Ascension Day 40th day after Easter.