Tabakovic Vojvodina came from a family that significant place in the history of Serbian art. Many predecessors Đorđe Tabakovic were painters, and architects. His brother Ivan Tabakovic also became a painter and later as a professor at the Belgrade Academy of Art. Đorđe grew up in Arad , where he attended both elementary school and high school . He studied architecture as in Budapest , and in Belgrade . Then he lived for some time in Paris and in Arad and eventually moved to Novi Sad , which became the rest of his life his home. Tabakovic soon proved right novosadská architect and designed over 50 projects of various complexity, from small villas to large palaces. As one of the few Serbian architects was - thanks mainly to his residence in foreign countries (mainly France ) - influenced by European influences then functionalist architecture. Since 1930 began to design buildings that this fully confirmed. With the austere lines and spacious windows was their construction on the one hand much less expensive than in the case of other buildings, as well the interior spaces appropriately backlight and sunny. His most famous building, which is located in the center of Novi Sad is Tanurdžićův palace . In addition, proposed the building of Novi Sad Youth in Trade ( 1931 ), Palace Klajn, Sokol house (today's youth theater) and some other places. In Zrenjanin , in his proposals implemented Exchange building work and the Children's House.
During World War II continues to actively considered several buildings. After the war, he decided to abandon this activity; became a professor at the School of Art, devoted to photography, design and published various essays. He proposed internal layout of the theater in Zrenjanin and Novi Sad central post office. He died in 1971 in Novi Sad.
Since 1994 Novosadská Society of Architects awarded annually Tabakovićovu prize for architecture eminent persons who have contributed to the development of the city.