He was born on June 29 1922 in Grebenac near Bela Crkva. By ethnicity he was Romanian. Elementary and high school he has finished in Vrsac. After that, he enrolled at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. He continued his studies in Bucharest and Vienna. During World War II he was imprisoned in a German concentration camp in Zrenjanin . After the war, he graduated at Romanesque group of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade in 1949. He published his first poems in the newspaper "Literary Gazette" and "Fight". His first collection of poems, "Kora" (1953) with "87 songs" from Miodrag Pavlovic are considered the beginning of the post-war modern Serbian poetry. One of the founders of the Vojvodina Academy of Arts and Sciences (14. 12. 1979) in Novi Sad. He died in Belgrade on January 5, 1991 and was buried in the Avenue of Honor at the New Cemetery. He was married to Joan Singer Popa (1923, 2000). Called "Hasa", a professor of the Faculty of Architecture, born in Vrsac.
Прве песме објављује у листовима „Књижевне новине“ и „Борба“. Његова прва збирка песама „Кора“ (1953) уз „87 песама“ Миодрага Павловића сматра се почетком српске послератне модерне поезије. Та књига је покренула расправе књижевне јавности и оставила велики утицај на млађе нараштаје песника.