Born in Ćuprija, educated in France - Grenoble and Nice. Started Faculty of Philosophy in Paris, finished it in Belgrade. As a young man, he survived retreat through Albania! He was an associate in the avant-garde magazines "Zenit" and "Roads". His first solo book, a collection of essays, "One aspect of French literature" (1952), released at his age of 54. The first book of poetry, "Bagdala" (1954), when he was 56. He became a corresponding member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) on December 16, 1965, and a regular member on 28th of May in 1970.
У његовом родном граду. Песник, мислилац, преводилац, романсијер, есејиста и прозаиста, један од покретача надреализма у српској књижевности. У Ћупријском музеју постоји соба Душана Матића препуна личних предмета великог песника.