She was born in Kragujevac on 13 August 1952. She studied acting at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. At the same university since 1976 she became assistant of professor Predrag Bajčetić on the "diction and acting." Since 1982, Gorica Popovic is a permanent member of the ensemble of the Belgrade Atelier 212. The film debute she made with the role of journalist in "the meadow of flowers" (1977) by Belgrade director Srdjan Karanović. Already for the first major role, the girl who doubt the love of his youth, in "national Class "(1979) by Goran Markovic, she was awarded with Gold arena at the national festival in Pula. Along with acting career, Gorica Popovic dealt with singing. She was a member of the vocal-instrumental ensemble" Sunflower ". At the festival in Nis she was twice awarded for three roles with a prize Empress Theodora. First time for the role of the medieval Lady in a serbian film "Dorotej" by Zdravko Velimirović, second time for a role of partisan in the movie "the Fall of Italy" by Lordan Zafranović 1981, and for the role of a TV director in the film "in the Jaws life " by Rajko Grlić in 1984. Gorica Popovic starred in many TV dramas and series. The audience remember her as a secretary Dara in the popular TV series, "Bolji život".
Упоредо са глумачком каријером, Горица Поповић се бавила и певањем. Била је члан вокално-инструменталног састава "Сунцокрет". На фестивалу у Нишу је два пута награђена за три улоге наградом Царица Теодора.