Bozidar Timotijevic completed elementary and high school in Rakovica where his heart and soul belonged for a lifetime. The first verses he wrote back in high school (1950-1951), the first book "Quartet" ("Kvartet"), he published with three other friends (Branko Jovanović, Tomislav Mijović, Prvoljub Pejatović). Bozidar was inducted in the Association of Writers in 1955. He studied the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, a group of international and Yugoslav literature. In the same year (1958) he published his first book, "The Great sleeper" ("Veliki spavac"). He worked as a journalist in a number of Yugoslav newspapers and on Radio Belgrade (1971-1980). Upon his request he was buried on the mountain of Tara, the mountain where he spent so much time dealing with his hobby - carpentry.
Радио је као новинар у већем броју југословенских листова и на Радио Београду (1971-1980). Ту, на радију, је покренуо акцију „Књига солидарности“. Донатори су давали књиге које су потом усмераване ка школама у забитима где је књига била реткост.