Vlastimir "Đuza" Stojiljković was born in the teacher's family. He finished high school in Kruševac, and began acting as a amateur as a high school. After high school he enrolled at the Faculty of Mining and Geology, left it in the third semester and enrolled at the Academy of Theatre Arts. His professional career began in 1951 at the Belgrade Drama Theatre (BDP). In BDP he has worked till 1968, when he moved to Atelier 212. Returned to BDP in 1978 and remained there until 1985, when he again moved to Atelier 212, in which he played until his retirement in 1995. Still today he is a frequent guest on numerous performances, primarily in the Belgrade Drama Theatre, and Atelier 212. He played more than 130 roles. Debuted in the film on 1957. In 1983 he received the October Award of the City of Belgrade, and in 2001 he received Dobričin prsten. In 2009, he won a gold statuette turkey for Lifetime Achievement.
Професионалну каријеру је започео 1951. у Београдском драмском позоришту (БДП). У БДП је радио до 1968, након чега је прешао у Атеље 212. У БДП се вратио 1978. и остао тамо до 1985, када је поново прешао у Атеље 212, у ком је играо до пензионисања 1995. Ипак и данас често гостује у бројним представама, првенствено у Београдском драмском позоришту и Атељеу 212. Играо је више од 130 улога.