He finished high school in Belgrade, and graduated History and Philology at the High School in Belgrade. In 1884 he went to Uzice and became a teacher in the local high school, where he taught French language, history and philosophical propaedeutics (Introduction to Philosophy). In 1902, he was transferred to Belgrade. That same year he laid professorial exam with the theme "The Impact of Eastern civilization to European nations".His translations from English history of civilization in England H. T. Berke Belgrade (1893-1894) and about heroes Thomas Carlyle (Belgrade, 1903) are highly important.
He died in 1905 as a professor of the First Belgrade Gymnasium.
Поред других, значајни су његови преводи са енглеског Историје цивилизације у Енглеској Х. Т. Беркла (Београд, 1893 — 1894) и О херојима Томаса Карлајла (Београд, 1903).